Probate & Estate Administration

Bereavement can be a difficult and stressful time. We are here to help you through your journey and to provide not only legal advice and guidance but also a listening ear.

What is it?

When you die, somebody has to deal with your property, money and personal belongings (known as your estate). That person is known as your Personal Representative. If you die with a Will, your Personal Representative is the person appointed in the Will as your Executor. If you die without a Will (known as dying intestate), your Personal Representative is decided according to the rules of Intestacy.

The job of your Personal Representative is to deal with the administration of your estate. Depending on the type of assets in your estate, your Personal Representative may need to apply for an extra level of authority to deal with certain assets. This extra level of authority is known as a Grant of Representation. Where there is a Will, the type of grant is a Grant of Probate. Where there is no Will, the type of grant is a Grant of Letters of Administration.

What we do

Our Probate and Estate Administration services are designed around the needs of a person who has been bereaved and has the job of dealing with the administration of an estate, which can feel daunting. We understand that it is a difficult time and we are here to help.

We advise on the content of a Will and the process to be followed. We help you find a way forward when there is no Will. We also advise on searching for Wills.

If you are feeling unable or unwilling to deal with the full estate administration we can do so on your behalf, including identifying assets and liabilities, establishing whether a Grant of Representation is required, obtaining a Grant if necessary, closing bank accounts, selling shares or property and distributing the estate to the beneficiaries under a Will or the rules of Intestacy.

Alternatively, if you are simply feeling overwhelmed and require a bit of help along the way, we can do as much or as little as you need.

How we do it

Our first point of contact is usually a telephone call. We take some initial details and arrange a first meeting. There is no charge for the first telephone call and initial meeting.

At the initial meeting we establish how much or how little you want us to do. We establish a list of paperwork and information that we will need. We give you as much time as you need to tell us what you need. We listen.

We then carry out your instructions, keeping you regularly updated and always being available at the end of the telephone, an email or in person.

We provide not only a professional service but also a source of support during a difficult time.

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