Children & Finances

A relationship breakdown can leave you with lots of worries and questions about what will happen to your children and how financial issues will be resolved. This process can be not only emotional but stressful to all involved.

What is it?

Disputes can arise between parents in relation to where the children will live, how often the children will see each parent and how the arrangements will work. There can also be disputes about property, bank accounts and pensions

What we do

We aim to resolve any disputes without causing unnecessary conflict. We provide expert advice on the different types of agreements and orders that are available to you. We seek to negotiate on your behalf to bring about a resolution that brings you certainty about your future and help get the best outcome for you.

How we do it

There are several ways in which to deal with issues concerning children and finances, including Child Arrangement Orders – Where a child should live, Issues of child contact, Child arrangements, Domestic violence, Specific Issue Orders, Prohibited Steps Orders and Special Guardianship Orders.

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